Skills are learnable, so hire characters; This is a famous phrase in the field of business that many big companies in the world have used in their recruitment. This sentence shows the importance of personality when hiring new people. But what is the reason for the importance of psychometric testing UAE? Experience has proven that placing an employee in a situation that contradicts his personality traits will lower his work efficiency and also make his interactions dull. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to the suitability of their personality with the desired job in selecting people for a job position. Currently, many companies in the world use these tests in job interviews to know the personality of job applicants.
Employment Psychology Tests Will Introduce You to These Candidate Characteristics
- Work with words and the ability to read and prepare documents in full detail.
- Ability to focus for long periods of time without distraction.
- Ability to perform repetitive tasks accurately and frequently.
Recruitment Psychology Tests Introduce You to Leadership Capabilities
- A natural leader who tends to have an open-door policy (open-door policies are a type of policy in which the manager leaves his office open to share transparency and honesty with the company’s employees).
- A mechanical leadership that thrives under strict and structured rules.
- A classic leader who prefers power-based and authoritarian structures.
- A democratic leader who prefers working in a team structure and interacting with others.
- A delegation leader who prefers to play a behind-the-scenes role.
Examining Natural Personality Traits in Employment Psychology Tests Such as:
- Ability to maintain calm and rational behavior under pressure.
- Ability to make quick decisions in critical or stressful situations.
- An inner desire to help others.
- Innate extroversion and populism.
- Natural desire to fight and fight back (great person for debt collection).
- A natural persuader and a person who can convince or motivate other people.
- He prefers to do a number of different things during his working day.
- Prefers to specialize in one or two tasks.
- Easily distracted (people who are easily distracted are great at multitasking).
These tests are done with the help of Humatix HR advisory services and are useful in analyzing the “hidden” characteristics of a person. The level of education and previous experience do not always provide a clear and up-to-date assessment of these personal skills. For example, aptitude tests relative to a candidate’s formal educational qualification can help form a better, more realistic, and new view of a candidate’s abilities.

Cyclist, feminist, drummer, reclaimed wood collector and critical graphic designer. Making at the sweet spot between art and purpose to save the world from bad design. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.